Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On anticipation

Another thing which I can't tell whether it's funny or sad:

Today while on that corporate controlled social networking site (aka facebook), I kept hearing that *pop* sound that happens whenever somebody chats at you.  (not with you, if I refuse to answer, it's because I don't want to be chatted at)

ANYWAYS - every time I heard that little *pop* sound, I would look down where the dialogue box should be in anticipation of some life-changing conversation.  Perhaps one of my chums wanted to share an epic tale or maybe X would randomly ask me to ball. (no chance of that)

Instead, whenever I shot my line of sight down to that area, I saw blank: no chat.  This happened a couple of times and I figured that someone was playing a cheeky prank on me.  After the fifth time I heard that *pop* with no chat, I realized it was my stomach making that sound because I'm hungry.  Plain and simple, I've duped myself.  Again.

Is this the kind of story I can share with people?  If you probably wanted to kill yourself reading this, it was probably a sucky narrative.

You know how in every circle of friends there's that one person who feels compelled to share every random story that comes into his or her head?  I AM THAT PERSON GOD DAMMIT.  I need to find a treatment facility for this kind of thing (no loco).  Help me to help you, where is that thick line drawn?  

I think stories that embarrass the teller deserve to be told, because they happen.  But this tale, I feel bad for you for reading the whole thing.  Have you nothing better to do?  Oh wait. no, because, like myself, you're procrastinating like it's going out of style.

*upon furthur inspection I realize that this post makes no sense and the next one is gonna be smooth like butta.