For those who know me, it's no secret that I'm an awkward conversationalist. Put me in a classroom, at the dinner table, or at a party, and I'm bound to fuck. shit. up. via awkward topic of choice. It's an art, really.
Often I find myself wondering "Self, how could I have possibly avoided this awkward situation, preventing myself and those around me anguish and scarring embarrasment?". The answer: bring it out into the open, acknowledge the awkward. This blog is going to be dedicated to the conversations that we shouldn't have, that we refuse to have, and that we hate to have. I plan to, one day, have catalagued every topic, conversation story, and joke imaginable that makes our skin crawl.
But don't fret, kids. You're invited, too! Got a story? Please please please share it with me so we can glorify it here foreverrrrrrr. (Or at least until I keep coming up with ideas)