Me: "Where you going to college?"
X: "Earth University, you?"
Me: "Your mom's college, haha but no seriously do you like the show Big Love?"
X: "Ummm, no, I haven't seen it."
Me: "Oh, well - nevermind."
(Long pause)
Me: "Well, I think you should keep playing/doing *$?** in college."
X: "What? Oh yeah, sure."
Me: "Yeah, I just realized I have to go check my light switches, bye."
X: "WTF is she talking about?"
You get the picture. How else am I supposed to end a boring/confusing conversation and not make my self look like an incompetent jackal? I just thought of a great exit line:
"Did you hear something? WAIT - did you hear that ticking sound? OHMYGOD. BOMB it's a bomb RUUUUN!"
And then we commence emptying the room, in which case I'm not going to have to finish whatever bs I was talking about. Unless I'm talking about cookie pusses. Do any of you even know what that is? Oh shit new idea new idea.